Since I don't know who-all reads my blog I don't know who-all read my previous post and wondered what the who-all I was talking about. Most followers know that my day job is with a large financial institution in town. Most people also know that this is not the best of times to be working for a financial institution. Well, this past Friday I got to experience first-hand the way that financial institutions "build shareholder value" by reducing the quantity of what in better times is often referred to as "our greatest resource." Boogers said "sayonara," gave me a little severance package and a pat on the head and said "thanks."
Now the good news is that, within 30 minutes of getting my notice I had applied for a position doing almost exactly the same thing for the same customers in the same market segment but with a different product serviced by an area where they are hiring. Gotta love big business - why they can't say "we gotta give somebody up, you need somebody, let's make a deal" is beyond me but that's bidness. Found out today that I've been selected for the interview process, which means they think I'm worth talking to. Best part is that I already know the people I'll be interviewing with and they know me, they're great folks that I'd love to work for, and even if I have to take a cut in pay it's still better than zero. So hopefully things will work out, maybe I end up with a little paid vacation, conveniently the week of the CNPA Annual Meeting here in Charlotte, which I was already planning to be off for. Whatever happens, we'll be fine.
Update 3/5/09: I didn't get the job. But we're still going to be OK. Maybe better than OK!
The photo is something else I borrowed from William Neill. The artsy term is "Triptych" and I think that's pretty nice so that's what I call mine. Collection of three (hence the name) images from our recent adventure to Hilton Head.
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