Here is another quick photo from Monday morning's sunrise. I shot a few panoramas of this scene as it developed but haven't had time to process them. I "only" shot 800 images this weekend! A few of them should turn out to be jewels but I'm going to need some time to process them over the next few weeks.
One bit of exciting news - I submitted an article to Camera in the Wild, the newsletter of the Carolinas' Nature Photographers Association, and it got published in the March issue! Now this is sort of like getting your 3rd grade artwork posted on Mom's refrigerator, but published is published, right? It's not the New York Times, but it's the best I've done so far! I'd share the link but it is member's only. The article was originally posted here, so you can still read it if you haven't already.
Published is published, right? Now I can say I'm a writer and a photographer!
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